Beef Jerky

Earle A. Jones

1.5-2 kg/3-4 lb Eye of round Roast
30 ml/2 Tbsp Dark Brown Sugar
250 ml/1 cup Soya Sauce
250 ml/1 cup water
30 ml/2 Tbsp Liquid Smoke

Partially freeze eye of round roast
Remove all visible fat

Slice with the grain for tougher jerky
If planning on using in recipes cut against the grain. Makes rehydrating quicker.

Slice 1/8 -1/4 inch thick.

Mix soya sauce, water, brown sugar and liquid smoke in a large stainless steel or glass bowl.
Place sliced meat in mixture insuring that all are immersed in liquid.
Refrigerate in marinade for at least 2 hours.
Remove and drain. Place meat evenly on drying racks of dehydrator making sure that pieces do not overlap. Dry meat until it cracks when bent. This should take about 15-18 hours. Once dry, Jerky can last for months but it tastes so good that if won't last a week. If planning on extended storage, place in zip lock bags and freeze.

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