# Friday, February 03, 2006

One of the main "deliverables" of a code camp is to attract attendees who don't normally go to conferences, launches, or even user group meetings. Another is to attract first time speakers. I love seeing "that look" on someone's face, when they are fresh off the stage, they gave their talk, the demos worked and they are still alive! Little do they know they're hooked at that point :-).

Here are some blog entries by brand new speakers at the Toronto Code Camp:

  • Paul Scarlett wrote to DotNetRocks about the experience... his link is to Carl reading the letter and then Carl and Richard talking about how terrific we all are :-). If you poke around elsewhere in his blog you will find various other postings describing the speaking experience for Paul.
  • Shaun Hayward blogs about his Code Camp experience... he liked it so much he's the speaker for February's meeting of the East of Toronto .NET User Group. (Register now!)

Congratulations guys, and welcome to the club!


Friday, February 03, 2006 12:58:47 PM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #