# Monday, January 16, 2006

Code Camp was a blast! Some pictures are starting to show up on the web site. I had a jam-packed room, I think word must have got out there was no C++ in my talk :-). But I had some time at the end so I am going to adapt this talk a bit for DevTeach and put some C++ into it :-)

Chris and Jean-Luc did a fantastic job getting volunteers and running the event - and they both spoke, too! It was also fun to reconnect with Val Matison who first got me up in front of an audience doing a technical presentation... more years ago than I care to figure out right now. I couldn't stay all day but the energy was great, the logistics were working well and I think everyone involved deserves a big round of applause!


Monday, January 16, 2006 9:20:40 AM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #