# Thursday, 20 July 2023

Day 3 began with a terrific keynote from Jessica Kerr, I can write the code. But getting something done is another matter. I was so thrilled when she agreed to come and do a keynote, and this one didn't disappoint. I took pictures of several slides, always a good sign.

After a break it was time for Tony Van Eerd with Value Oriented Programming Part V: Return of the Values. There was plenty of pop culture here but also some darn good advice about making good abstractions, and what's good about them. Then out for lunch again ... I deliberately chose something different on my second trip to the market.

The afternoon started with Conor Hoekstra and New Algorithms in C++23. Conor makes these things look easy -- perhaps they actually are? Then the closing keynote, from Timur Doumler, called Contracts, Testing, and the Pursuit of Well Defined Behaviour. We sure have plenty of undefined behaviour to deal with:

I enjoyed this keynote too -- they were all good.

And then it was time to say goodbye to this lovely venue and this lovely conference for another year.

Being all on a single floor this year made it super easy to meet people, have chats, enjoy the breaks, and so on. One thing I noticed this year was that some people brought their children. This was just lovely! Parents are quite capable of knowing if their child can sit quietly and be in a session, and it was great to see that in action. I hope bringing children to conferences is something I see more often in the future.

Thursday, 20 July 2023 16:26:00 (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #