# Monday, February 20, 2006

Visual Studio Team Systems is a huge product... diagramming tools, code generators, source control, work item tracking, project management, documentation generators, and much more besides. Some people I know have already decided to adopt VSTS because of one set of features, but really don't know how to use some of the other features. Others are still undecided about whether they want it, or which "stack" - tester, architect, developer, or all three in the Suite product - they want.

Why not attend a two-hour session that will help you to see what you can do with this amazing technology?

City Date Link
Mississauga February 22nd Register
Vancouver March 2nd Register
Mississauga March 21st Register
Ottawa Apr 19th Register
Calgary May 17th Register
Toronto June 21st Register

The abstract I received says "This session is intended to provide an introduction to Visual Studio Team System, highlight the new functionality and business value in each offering, and outline the transition steps for existing Visual Studio and MSDN customers. We will also demonstrate Visual Studio Team System in action." Why not check it out while there are still spaces available?



Monday, February 20, 2006 5:47:56 PM (Eastern Standard Time, UTC-05:00)  #