# Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Here's a fun demo of facial recognition software. Using the picture of myself I have on MSN messenger, I tried out (http://www.myheritage.com/FP/Company/tryFaceRecognition.php) the My Heritage facial recognition software. It says I look like

  • 63% Jesse McCartney (no idea who he is)
  • 63% Kate Winslet (that's better, and bonus marks for first name match)
  • 58% Rose McGowan
  • 54% End Blyton (love the books, but hardly a flattering picture of her)
  • 52% Julianne Moore (really? wowza!)
  • 50% Melanie Chisholm
  • 49% Gina Lollabrigida (now you're just being nice)
  • 48% Jennifer Love Hewitt
  • 48% Janie Tienphosuwan
  • 48% Andrew Lloyd Webber (and you were being so nice)

Common thread seems to be cheekbones. I don't see them on me but I sure do on those folks.

Want to try?


PS: I tried another picture of me and Kate Winslet, Rose McGowan, and (damn) Andrew Lloyd Webber came up again.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:52:47 AM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #