# Thursday, May 18, 2006

You know, I'm all about the interop. Why port an entire application to something new when you can port part of it and interop to the rest? Why inisist one application be ported so it can talk to another if interop could solve the problem instead? While it may be difficult, it's typically the faster and cheaper option. Plus it's just more fun than re-implementing something that already works.

Microsoft Canada is holding an interop seminar on June 8th (actually one in the morning and one in the afternoon) at their Meadowvale offices. The email I got says:

Microsoft recognizes that most customers have diverse IT environments and Microsoft is building software and technologies that allow you to leverage your existing investments in non-Microsoft-based solutions.

The interoperability seminar is focused on discussing strategies for interoperability with diverse technologies including J2EE, Mainframes, Identity, Monitoring, Messaging and Data storage systems.

In this seminar we will:

  • Discuss organizational processes for architecture, development, quality assurance and deployment that may be instituted to accommodate varying technologies while maximizing reuse;
  • Explain Microsoft’s interoperability strategy, showcase our commitment to interoperability and provide links to resources for more detailed information;
  • Discuss real-life strategies, best practices and examples for interoperability between J2EE and .NET-based software.

I can't be there myself (I'll be out of the country) but you probably should! Register for either the morning or the afternoon session.


Thursday, May 18, 2006 8:15:52 AM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #