# Sunday, May 28, 2006

A little bird shared with me the snack highlights for Tech Ed 2006:

1,250,000 pieces of "Mikes & Ikes" will be consumed over the course of a week at Tech Ed 2006
18,750 pounds of salad will be prepared and offered at meals
83,700 ice cream novelty/ fruit and yogurt bars have been ordered for this function
60,000 eggs will be eaten by attendees at breakfast (this is equal to 4,800 dozen cartons of eggs)
It will take 4 semis to transport the 150,000 bottles of water consumed on this show
The total amount of fruit ordered will fill 3/4 of full size tractor-trailer
1.6 million ounces of coffee will be poured and consumed (conservative estimate)
More than 50,000 pounds of carbohydrates will be consumed at Tech*Ed (Atkins who?)
1,500 table cloths will be used and re-set on a daily basis:  (7,500 for the week)
A minimum of 2,000 antacid tablets are likely to be consumed at this event

Now it just so happens that after my very first Tech Ed (Dallas, 1999, as an attendee on a press pass) I got some stats on snacks that year:

183,000 Bottles of Logo Water
14,000 Gallons of Coffee
8, 000 Gallon of Iced Tea
38,000 pints of Milk
37,500 link sausages = 337,500 inches 28,125 feet, 9,375 yards or 5.32 miles.
27,000 Granola Bars
69, 000 Lemon wedges or 11,500 lemons... 275 Trees worth.
200,000 creamers for coffee
333,000 packets of Sugar
27,000 apples
36,000 bananas
3500 pounds of scrambled eggs
7700 Omelets
110,000 Soft Drinks

Anyone care to compare and contrast?


Sunday, May 28, 2006 7:57:27 AM (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #