# Tuesday, 09 June 2020
This year is very strange, but conferences are still happening. And they aren't all free, either. Perhaps there's a conference you'd like to go to, and being online makes it almost feasible for you, but you can't afford the conference fee? If you're a member of an under-represented group in C++, you might win a scholarship to C++ on Sea in July or CppEurope in just two weeks. (I'm speaking at C++ on Sea, so if you win, you'll hear my talk.) The scholarships are arranged by #include <C++> and the application process is pretty easy. Please let us know a little about your background: perhaps you're part of a gender minority,  a racial minority, or in some way you feel that there are less people like you in C++ than there are in the world. If you work somewhere that pays to send you to conferences, this isn't the program for you: this is for people who maybe aren't working, or who are working somewhere that sends other team members to conferences, but not you. Your application should show us that, so we can decide to send you.

More details, including a list of conferences we've sent applicants to in the past, and testimonials from recipients, are on the scholarship page.

Want to contribute? We're ok for these two conferences. But when face to face conferences start again, we'll be raising money for admissions, plane tickets, hotel rooms, and all the other costs that keep people away from the life changing and career changing benefits of conferences. Remember our site for when that is necessary.


Tuesday, 09 June 2020 18:22:16 (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-04:00)  #